新官网的另一个关键内容就是最新的 Value of Clean® 清洁的价值报告及配套资源。这份最新的报告旨在帮助ISSA会员将清洁打造为是对人类健康、环境和改善利润的投资。行业思想领袖委员会合作制定了该报告,通过运用最新的科学研究来为企业定义清洁的价值,并为关键设施决策者提供全面洞察。
Rosie Rangel说到“随着清洁和设施解决方案行业的不断发展,特别是近年来,Value of Clean清洁的价值工具将进一步提升我们行业的地位——成为一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,在维护社会安全和健康的同时改善会员企业的业务成果。这份报告及相关资源将巩固ISSA会员在维护更清洁、更健康、更可持续的室内环境方面作为关键合作伙伴的地位,并通过满足客户不断变化的需求来帮助他们取得成功。”
除了最新的Value of Clean清洁的价值报告,ISSA会员还可以获取一套最新的独家资源,进而帮助会员企业进一步优化清洁实践。报告内基于关键指标的信息图表可以更容易地向利益相关者说明清洁且健康的环境的重要性,使他们能够直观地看到清洁计划的投资回报率。ISSA会员还可以通过参加各种培训活动、研讨会等提高知识水平,并享受专属折扣。
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点击按钮马上体验全新的ISSA官网。ISSA会员还可以下载最新的Value of Clean清洁的价值报告及配套资源。
“ISSA与Informa的全球展会组合有一个统一的目标,即“改变世界对清洁的看法”。我们很荣幸、也很高兴能够拓展和服务全球更多的社区。我们在世界各地举办的精彩展会数量创下了记录,包括欧洲、中国、印度、东南亚、澳大利亚、拉丁美洲、加拿大和美国”,Informa Markets ISSA 北美展项目总监 Lindsay Roberts 补充道。
“ISSA与Informa的全球展会组合有一个统一的目标,即“改变世界对清洁的看法”。我们很荣幸、也很高兴能够拓展和服务全球更多的社区。我们在世界各地举办的精彩展会数量创下了记录,包括欧洲、中国、印度、东南亚、澳大利亚、拉丁美洲、加拿大和美国”,Informa Markets ISSA 展会组合项目总监 Lindsay Roberts 补充道。
Recently, Mr. John Barrett, ISSA Executive Director was invited by the organizing committee and attended the China Clean Forum on November 18, 2015. As a keynote speaker, Mr. John Barrett made a speech on “True Value of Clean”.
In Mr. Barrett’s speech, he introduced the ISSA (The worldwide Cleaning Industry Association) in details, and believes that many negative cost and sacrifice would have to be made if there is no cleaning. On the contrary, if companies and organizations pay sufficient attention to cleaning, quality management, they will get much higher percentage of financial return on investment. He also introduced the CIMS of ISSA, which is Cleaning Industry Management System, in the United States the enterprises who had achieved CIMS certification, normally get an annual turnover increase of 3%. Mr. John’s speech got unanimous high evaluation from the participants and after the speech, quite a few of photos were taken for Mr. Barrett with the participants.
On November 19, 2015, Mr. John Barrett, was invited by Mr. Feng Yajun, the President of BCA (Beijing Cleaning Service Association) to visit BCA office in Beijing, accompanied by the Chinese representative of ISSA, Mr. David Han.
During the meeting, the two leaders of respective associations have discussed in depth about standardized construction, standard and certification, as well as other various aspects. When talking about the current cooperation with BCA, Mr. Barrett expressed the eagerness and wish for a further understanding of the cleaning industry in China, the cleaning service enterprises in China, so that ISSA would be able to help and support further the cleaning industry development in China .